How to Start to Lose Weight on Atkins After I Hit a Standstill

Dieting can be a challenge, requiring a great deal of will and determination. The Atkins Diet, however, is designed to make dieting a little easier by allowing dieters to eat without feeling hungry. In the induction phase, dieters will reduce their carbohydrate intake to 20 net carbs per day for two weeks, generating an average weight loss of around six to thirteen pounds. With consistent weight loss over a period of time, just as in any other weight-loss program, it's likely that dieters will hit a plateau.


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      In a journal, record everything that you eat and drink. Make sure that you're not exceeding your net carb count.

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      Cut back on artificial sweeteners, or eliminate them completely from your diet. Artificial sweeteners can stall weight loss by raising insulin levels. Drink more water. Water cleanses the body better than diet sodas.

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      Exercise more often. If you are exercising only a couple of days per week, increase your activity to four days a week, 45 to 60 minutes a day.

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      Switch up your workout routine. If you have been working out on an exercise bike, switch to a treadmill or an elliptical. Your body may adapt to a routine, failing to burn fat as efficiently as it once did. Try mixing up your workout every two to three weeks.

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      Do not eat before going to bed. Eating within three hours of going to bed can prevent fat burning while you are sleeping.

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      Measure your body to see if you are losing inches. If you are following your diet and exercising, you may be losing inches instead of pounds.Your body may be gaining muscle from exercising and lifting weights. If this is the case, your body is changing composition, and the pounds will come off in time. Be patient and soon you will see your weight start to drop again.

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