Diet for Parkinson's Disease
Food and Drug Interactions
Many Parkinson's Disease patients are prescribed a medication to ease involuntary movement. Levodopa (L-dopa) is a popular medication choice. It is should be taken on an empty stomach for ultimate absorption. The patient should not eat for up to 30 minutes after taking the medication.
Many studies suggest that diets rich in protein and vitamin B-6 may limit the effectiveness of L-Dopa. A diet limited to 6 oz. of protein a day is often suggested. However, additional supplements are encouraged to increase calcium, iron and B vitamins (except for B-6) that are lost when reducing protein intake.
Suggested Foods
Parkinson's Disease patients should maintain a well-balanced diet high in fiber. Green vegetables, such as lettuce, broccoli and cabbage, should be eaten daily. Vegetable juices, raw seeds, and fruit should also be consumed regularly.
Fava beans are a natural source of levodopa. They are good to eat, but should not be used as substitutes for L-Dopa pills.
Prune juice and fibers are a good remedy to help relieve constipation. Bran should be avoided.
Foods to Avoid
Foods high in B-6, such as bananas, fish, beef, whole grains, potatoes and peanuts, should be eaten in moderation or eliminated from the diet to maintain the potency of the L-Dopa.
Alcohol, caffeine and sugar should be avoided as they create excess acid in the body. This acid can overstimulate the nervous system. Spicy foods can also create overstimulation, causing jerks and uncontrolled movement.