Dangerous Food Preservatives
Casein is a thickening agent used to maintain the consistency of milk-based blends such as cheese, ice cream and coffee creamers, while being the active trigger for allergic reactions to dairy products.
Sodium Sulphite
Sodium sulphite is a decontaminant, preserving fresh fruit juices, wine, beer, vinegar and dried fruit, and is known to cause asthma attacks and digestion complications in those with compromised kidneys.
Natamycin is added to meats and cheeses as an antimicrobial, killing bacteria and preventing mold growth, while causing dangerous effects of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and skin inflammation.
Potassium Nitrite
Potassium nitrite is commonly used in cured meats and cheeses, adversely affecting oxygen flow throughout the body, leading to shortness of breath, wheezing, migraines and asthma attacks.
Benzoic Acid
Benzoic acid is a dangerous preservative used to retain consistency in cheeses, frozen dairy products, baked goods, gum and relish, causing asthma reactions and neurological effects such as hyperactivity.