How to Lose Weight on Atkins Without Eating a Lot of Fat
Eat the right meats. Choose lean meats, such as chicken, turkey and fish. You can eat as much of these as you'd like. When preparing these meats, remember to use methods that are low fat as well, such as grilling instead of frying.
Prepare large salads with a vinegar based dressing. Most salad vegetables are low carb and you can eat them on the Atkins diet, particularly in the later stages. Salad dressings, however, can add fat and commercially prepared low fat dressings have additional carbs. To avoid this, make your own vinegar-based dressing to use with your salad.
Choose healthy fats when you do eat fat. It's healthy to include some fats in your diet. For example, you want to avoid the hydrogenated oils that you would find in a margarine. Don't be afraid, though, to eat healthy fats like nuts and avocado on occasion.
Supplement your meals with protein shakes. When following a low fat and low carb diet, you want to make sure that you are getting enough calories. A great way to do this is through protein shakes. You simply mix the powder with water and you have a high protein snack. When purchasing a protein shake, be sure to check the nutrition information because some brands are high in carbohydrates.