Different Words for Sugar in Food Labels
Table Sugar
Most recipes called for granulated sugar. This is the common table or white sugar that is sold in bags. Other recipes call for powdered or confectioner's sugar. This is granulated sugar that has been mechanically pounded so that the crystals are broken. It is very fine and sometimes mixed with a touch of starch to stop clumping. Coarse or pearl sugar is shaped sugar and is used mainly as decorations for cakes.
Sugar words end in "-ose"
When you read a food label, words that end with "-ose" will denote a type of sugar. The most common sugars seen on labels are fructose, dextrose and glucose. Fructose comes from honey, fruits and vegetables. It is a bit sweeter than table sugar. Dextrose is also known as glucose, which is the main energy source for our bodies. It is used in baking products like brownie or cake mixes and the finished products. Another word seen on labels for sugar is maltodextrin, which is a type of dextrose and tends to show up in canned fruits and snacks.
Brown Sugars
Brown sugar, light brown sugar and Barbados sugar are all sugars that have varying amounts of molasses added. It is done for flavoring and coloring; the darker brown it is, the more molasses is present. Molasses happens to be a byproduct of most sugar production techniques and is listed as an ingredient itself on food labels.
Sugar Syrups
Another way to look for sugar on a label is to find words with syrup. Maple syrup is a common sweetener. Corn syrup enhances the flavor and softens the texture of foods. Its low cost to produce means it is found in a huge variety of candies, foods and sodas. Another version is high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). HFCS is especially common as it dissolves very easily into products.
Artificial Sugars
Let us not forget artificial sugar or sweeteners, also referred to as low-calorie sweeteners or a sugar substitute. The reason for the lower calorie count is that they are created extra sweet, so less is needed to flavor foods and drinks. Common labels for these are aspartame (NutraSweet), saccharin and sucralose.