Good Vegetables for the Atkins Diet
Bok Choy
Bok choy is a good vegetable for the Atkins diet. It is a leafy green vegetable also known as Chinese white cabbage. Bok choy is an ideal addition to stir-fry meals. Unlike many of the other recommended vegetables for the Atkins diet, bok choy should not be eaten raw. Bok Choy is so low on the glycemic index that is has almost no effect on blood sugar. It's at 15 out of 100.
Tomatoes are another vegetable that is good for the Atkins diet. Tomatoes are versatile and can be added to salads and sandwiches. The key is to eat whole, fresh tomatoes. As the Atkins diet does not allow for additional sugars, avoid processed tomatoes and tomato sauces unless you make them yourself. Tomatoes are considered low on the glycemic index with a number of 15 out of 100.
Add spinach to your Atkins diet shopping list. Spinach is a leafy green vegetable that is easily added to everything from soups to sandwiches. A large spinach salad with added protein, such as chicken, is an excellent lunch to eat while on the Atkins diet. Eat spinach either raw or steamed. Spinach is 15 out of 100 on the glycemic index.
Asparagus is perfect for pairing with protein, such as seafood. Fish and other lean protein sources are ideal while on the Atkins diet. Roast asparagus in the oven, steam it or boil it, and season to taste. Fresh asparagus tends to taste best, but frozen asparagus is an option as well. Asparagus is a good vegetable for the Atkins diet with a number of 15 out of 100 on the glycemic index.