Problems With the Atkins Introduction Phase
Digestive Problems
With the abundance of meat (4 to 6 ounces per meal each day) and the lack of fiber (only two cups of vegetables a day) some people will experience constipation during the first phase. Constipation can lead to bloating, flatulence and other stomach discomfort. It is important to follow a healthy diet to keep the body functioning properly.
Increased Bad Cholesterol Levels
The amounts of meat you eat during this two-week period, as well as some of the other foods (cheese and eggs), will lead to increased LDL levels, which is the bad cholesterol. This can lead to heart disease over time. It clogs the arteries and can cause strokes.
Lack of Nutrients
Fruits are not allowed during the induction phase, though the USDA recommends two cups a day. The introduction of fruits may help to make sure that the body is getting the nutrients, like vitamins and antioxidants, it needs, and could also help the system stay regular.
Higher Susceptibility to Colds
Another issue with the lack of antioxidant rich fruits is the chance of more frequent colds, as the antioxidants are what removes free radicals from the blood stream. Free radicals deplete the white bloods cells, which fight off colds and infections.
Difficulty Sticking To The Plan
Many people would find it difficult to change their eating habits in such a drastic way. Atkins does allow for an occasional snack, but the exclusion of sugars and fruits may lead some people to stray, which will be detrimental to their weight loss goals.