How to Get Started With Atkins
Read as much as you can about the program, either via the latest edition of the official Atkins book or at the Atkins Web site.
Choose a start date for induction. It's often easier if you choose a day when you will be off work or away from school and will be close to home. This way, you can prepare your own food and become accustomed to how you will feel on the plan.
Make a meal plan for at least your first week. Base the meal plan around foods allowed during the induction phase or refer to one of the numerous sample meal plans available as suggestions for that phase.
Shop for supplies a day or two before your chosen start date. Make sure that you have everything you need to prepare the meals in your meal plan and that you have snacks prepared and handy. If you are prepared, you'll be less tempted to stray from the diet if you get hungry.
Keep yourself busy while you become accustomed to the induction phase. Take walks, meet friends for non-food-related activities, play with your children or pets, or do whatever brings you pleasure. Remember, you are trying to control your weight to enjoy your life--but that doesn't mean you have to wait until you've lost the weight to enjoy life.