What Natural Foods Have Antioxidants?
What are the best food sources of antioxidants? Natural, or "whole" foods--those that have been minimally processed, are free of artificial ingredients and are in as natural a state as possible.
Beans pack a greater punch than any other food in terms of antioxidants, with red beans, kidney beans, pinto beans and black beans being the best options.
In addition to being loaded with antioxidants, beans are also cheap and filling. They contain other nutritional treasures such as protein, complex carbohydrates and no cholesterol.
Berries are another super antioxidant source. Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and cranberries are all good choices. Choose berries as an antioxidant source rather than taking a supplement, because while supplements can contain single antioxidants, berries contain a wide array of these beneficial substances.
Non-berry fruits are other good natural food sources of antioxidants. Eat plenty of apples (with the peels), pears, cherries, avocado, plums, oranges and pineapples. All of these fruits are filled with a variety of antioxidants which fight damage to cells from harmful molecules known as free radicals.
Nuts are a key source of the antioxidant vitamin E. Peanuts, walnuts, almonds, pistachios and nut butters are all good choices of this antioxidant, as are healthy oils such as olive and canola, and seeds. Aim to eat 1 to 2 ounces per day.