What Is Alvita Sage Tea Used For?
Alvita is an eco-conscious tea company started in 1922. Its tea bags are free of chlorine, staples, strings, and tags, and its boxes are made of recycled paper.
Hot Sage tea has been used to clear congestion from allergies and upper respiratory infections. Sage can also relieve symptoms of indigestion, including flatulence and nausea.
To brew, steep one tea bag in a covered cup of boiling water for 3 to 6 minutes. Drink directly, or gargle with cooled tea to treat sore throat and gingivitis.
Sage may benefit diabetics, as well. According to a 2009 study by the Centre of Molecular and Environmental Biology in Portugal, "Sage tea drinking improved lipid profile and increased antioxidant defences, which may indirectly improve the diabetic condition."
Fun Fact
Myth holds that bundles of sage protect against negative energy and ward off curses. The word "sage" means wise, tying into the belief that sage supplements support healthy brain function and may mitigate symptoms of Alzheimer's.