Side Effects of Cabbage Soup
Dizziness, weakness and headaches may be a side effect of cabbage soup if it’s the main staple of the diet. Cabbage contains a lot of fiber and some nutrients, but it is lacking in protein and low in carbohydrates. If other foods containing the daily recommended dosage of protein and carbohydrates are also consumed, the cabbage soup should not produce a lightheaded or woozy feeling.
Stomach Cramps and Gas
Lots of fiber, which is found in cabbage soup, can sometimes produce stomach cramps, a stomach ache or abdominal pain. Cabbage soup may also build up a lot of gas. Gas is often accompanied by bloating and a swollen or extended stomach.
Cabbage soup is ideal for flushing out the system, which means lots of cabbage soup may mean lots of trips to the bathroom. Cabbage works as a detoxifier, ridding the body of toxins and unnecessary substances, but detoxification can come with the price of diarrhea. Cabbage is watery and filled with fiber, which allow it to readily move through the digestive system.
Other Warnings
The American Heart Association says that fad diets, such as the cabbage soup diet, can not only give you a host of side effects but can also “undermine your health.” Any diet that does not include exercise is circumspect, the association says. The cabbage soup diet, in particular, leads to rapid weight loss because it flushes out the system while the main food intake is low-calorie fruits and vegetables with a bit of protein thrown in. The main weight loss seen is due to water loss. Once someone starts eating a regular diet after the cabbage soup stint, the weight may be quickly regained.