Cabbage & Colon Cleansing
Preparing Cabbage Soup
The cabbage soup diet is a one-week colon-cleansing plan. Whether or not it is successful in detoxifying your colon, it will certainly provide you with a wealth of vitamins and minerals, improve your bowel movements and will most likely leave you a few pounds lighter by the end of the week. You will need these ingredients: 1 head of green cabbage, 2 cans of diced tomatoes, 2 green peppers, 3 carrots, 1 bunch of celery, 2 onions, 2 cups broth (vegetable, chicken or beef) and 2 cups vegetable juice (your choice). Dice up the onions and saute them in a large pot with a little oil or cooking spray. Next, shred the cabbage, chop the rest of the vegetables and add them to the pot along with the broth, juice and canned tomatoes. If desired, add seasonings. Bring the mixture to a boil and then let the pot simmer until the vegetables are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.
Sticking to the Diet
For your diet, spend the week limiting yourself as much as you can just to this soup; you may eat as much of it as you like. If you must, you may also eat fruits, other vegetables and some other fiber-rich foods. Abstain from eating bread, processed foods, animal products (besides the broth), and do not drink any alcoholic or carbonated beverages. Because this diet can be a little bland, you may need to spice things up to satisfy your taste buds. Try adding balsamic vinegar or garlic. For herbs and spices, thyme, rosemary and basil work well. If you have leftover cabbage, raw cabbage is especially healthy. Try it with a little lemon juice and crushed black pepper. If you like spicy food, hot sauces are great for flavor and may help curb your appetite. Keep in mind not to add high-caloric flavorings, such as oils.