Cabbage Soup Diet Instructions
Weekly Eating Plan
The Cabbage Soup Diet is intended to be followed for seven days at a time, and it shouldn't be repeated consecutively. Rather, the dieter should wait a few weeks between dieting sessions. On day 1, dieters should eat unlimited cabbage soup and unlimited fruits (excluding bananas). On Day 2, dieters should eat unlimited cabbage soup and unlimited vegetables (excluding peas, corn and beans) and one baked potato. On Day 3, dieters should eat unlimited cabbage soup and any of the fruits and vegetables allowed on days 1 and 2. On Day 4, dieters should eat unlimited cabbage soup, 2 cups of skim milk and bananas (no more than eight). On Day 5, dieters should eat unlimited cabbage soup, 20 ounces of protein (beef, chicken or fish), and tomatoes (no more than 6). On Day 6, dieters should eat unlimited cabbage soup, unlimited vegetables and three steaks. On Day 7, dieters should eat unlimited cabbage soup, sugar-free fruit juices, unlimited vegetables and 2 cups of brown rice.
Cabbage Soup Recipe
Cabbage soup may contain cabbage, onion, tomatoes, onion soup mix, bouillon cubes and tomato juice. One recipe for cabbage soup is as follows: dry onion soup mix, two bouillon cubes, 1 cup celery, 3 carrots, 2 bell peppers, 1 yellow onion, 2 cans diced tomatoes, half of a cabbage head and seasonings such as salt, garlic and pepper.
Other Dieting Tips
Individuals on the Cabbage Soup Diet should drink plenty of water every day. Also, dieters should take a multivitamin to aid in nutrition. Experimenting with different spices in the soup or on the other allowed foods might help make the diet more appealing.
The Cabbage Soup Diet is very low in calories; this is what causes the extreme weight loss. The soup mix itself is not special, but it is filling, so that dieters can manage to keep their calories low. The weight loss typically consists of fluid loss, and pounds are quickly regained when the diet ends. However, if dieters immediately begin a healthier long-term diet following the Cabbage Soup Diet, the plan might serve to jump-start weight loss.