Cabbage Soup Diet Tips
Planning Your Diet
There are hundreds of different cabbage soup recipes, both published and online. Choose one that appeals to your taste, has a healthy amount of nutrients, and is easy to make. You will want to prepare at least two batches of the soup during your sevenday regimen. Feel free to break up the monotony by adding fresh herbs and spices to your soup. Be careful to limit your amount of sodium during the diet. While sodium will help balance electrolytes, too much salt will cause you to gain water weight.
The first couple of days on the diet are typically the easiest for most people. It's after the third day that fatigue, brain fogginess, and muscle aches set in. Drink plenty of water. Refrain from sodas, coffee, and alcohol. Take a multivitamin to ensure you get all the necessary nutrients. When hunger or tiredness begin, eat as much of the soup as you want. If you spice up your soup with a hot sauce, your stomach is fooled into getting full faster.
Drawbacks and Results
The number one reason people abandon this diet is from improper planning. Having enough soup on hand is imperative. If you start to feel dizzy or light-headed do not drive, and refrain from physical activity. Workouts should be postponed until after the diet. Go on the diet with a partner or a friend. Emotional support is important to get you through the hunger pains. Visualize the benefits of the diet. Set out an article of clothing that has been feeling too snug. Constant reaffirmation is great for motivation. If you have a history of any medical or emotional problems, this diet is not the right one for you. Be cognizant of your body during this time, and if fainting occurs stop the diet immediately. For a quick diet fix, the cabbage diet is one of the most popular diets out there. You will be pleased with the slimming results, and you'll be on the fast track to choosing a longer-term diet plan.