Soft Diet for Diabetics Having Gum Surgery
Plan in Advance
You will likely know when you are going to have gum surgery, so take the time to plan your meals in advance to prepare you for the soft diet. Try to add some variety to your meal plan so that you don't become bored with the soft diet.
It will also be helpful to have your meals prepared in advance so you won't have to bother with cooking and pureeing after the surgery. Take a day to make some healthy meals that you will be able to consume when you come home from the dentist's office. This also helps you to avoid being tempted by less than healthy soft foods such as milkshakes and ice cream. While they may be soft, they are certainly not a healthy source of food for a diabetic patient.
Healthy Foods
A soft diet can be just as healthy as your typical diet. Soften your meats before you puree them with broth, but be sure that you read the ingredient labels carefully first. Any vegetable can be pureed to a consistency that will not cause pain in your mouth. Vegetables such as carrots and corn might be difficult to puree properly, though. Mashed potatoes are a common food for a soft diet, but remember to count your carbs when eating a diabetic diet.
Blend fruits together with yogurt for a healthy smoothie while you are recovering from a dental procedure. Fruit is a healthy sugar for diabetics to use in their glucose management plan.
Your diet does not have to change dramatically because you must consume softer foods. Pay attention to your carbs and monitor your blood glucose while eating this diet. Stick with the same foods that you have been using to manage your blood sugar levels and puree them to a consistency that you can eat. Choose softer sources of protein such as eggs and tender cuts of meat. Soup with vegetables and tender cuts of meat are good items to keep stored in your refrigerator after your gum surgery.