Soft Diet for Diabetics
Diabetics must learn what type of foods they can eat to keep blood sugar levels stable. Some diabetics may have difficulty swallowing, which is known as dysphagia, and some need to eat a diet that limits acid reflux to prevent discomfort.
A soft diet is comprised of foods that may be blended, mashed, softened with cooking or pureed in order to get proper nutrients for health and well-being.Diabetics must also watch blood sugar levels by eating the right foods, getting plenty of exercise and take their diabetic medication. Some individuals must take medication with food, so using a soft diet is essential in assisting them with getting proper care.
Soft Diet Choices
Many soft diet food choices are available, as long as they are prepared to be eaten so they do not cause discomfort in chewing or digestion. Bread, as long as it is not whole-grain, cracked wheat or a brown variety, is considered part of the soft diet. French, Italian and cornbread are the best selections for the soft diet because they are gentle to digest and contain no grain seeds.
Cereals are ideal, as long as they are cooked, such as cream of wheat, oatmeal and grits. Eggs are an excellent source of protein, but they must be scrambled and not fried. Certain vegetables must be cooked until they are soft, including eggplant, pumpkin, spinach, carrots and squash, and those who are on a soft diet must avoid any raw vegetables, as well as any cooked or canned vegetables not listed above.
Tender proteins such as veal, fish, beef, chicken or lamb that is stewed, baked, roasted, or broiled are allowed on the soft diet.
Stay away from fried or salted foods, as well as items that contain spices, garlic, sauce such as barbecue or Worcestershire, and pickled items.