How to Create a 30-Day Menu for a Type 2 Diabetic
Space eating times evenly. Uneven eating times can destabilize your blood glucose levels, which means you'll need to eat each meal around the same time everyday to keep it in check. You can eat five to six small meals or three larger meals with small snacks between meals; the choice is up to you.
Use the "Create Your Plate" planning method. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) provides a plate planning method to assist in creating your meals. According to the site, 50 percent of your plate should consist of non-starchy foods such as most vegetables. The remaining half of your plate is divided up into two sections: one for meat and one for starchy foods. These starchy foods include bread, pasta, beans, cereal or starchy vegetables including potatoes and green peas.
Include fruit and dairy. According to the ADA, your daily diet should have two to three servings of fruit and eight ounces of low-fat milk. You can also substitute your milk with low-fat yogurt. Although fruit has fructose, a natural sugar, it is high in vitamins and nutrients.
Use complex carbohydrates over simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are found in foods that contain refined sugar, such as white bread, pasta, desserts, chocolate, jam, cakes and soft drinks. They break down quickly without providing much nutrition, and raise your blood glucose level. Complex carbohydrates break down slowly, which causes you to feel full longer, and provide dietary fiber. Whole-wheat bread and pasta, beans, bagels, oat bran and cornmeal are all complex carbohydrates.
Avoid or limit processed foods. Processed meats and foods are often high in saturated fat and sodium, which can increase the risk of obesity and cause health complications. Instead of using butter or margarine to cook, use vegetable oils as they are high in healthy polyunsaturated fat. Prepare your meats by grilling, baking or broiling rather than sauteing or frying, as it can increase your BGL. Fish, skinless chicken and turkey are recommended over beef and pork.
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