Diabetes Nutrition Therapy
Balanced Meals
Diabetics should focus on eating balanced meals three times per day, in addition to healthy snacks two to three times daily. A balanced meal contains average-sized portions of fats, carbohydrates, and protein. The ratio between carbohydrates, proteins and fats will help to balance blood glucose levels. A healthy meal for a diabetic would consist of raw carrots or broccoli, and steamed or lightly grilled salmon.
The salmon will include protein and healthy fats, and the vegetables are a good source of healthy carbohydrates. A healthy snack for a diabetic would be light string cheese or an apple. The sugar in apples and many other fruits do not raise blood glucose levels because these sugars are not refined and the fiber balances how the body processes this type of sugar. However, diabetics should avoid fruit juices because the fiber has been removed. The fiber has been taken out through the juicing process causing the juice to raise blood glucose levels. Fruit should only be eaten whole.
Healthy Fats
Healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids are very beneficial for people who suffer from diabetes. Good fats help to improve metabolism and reduce inflammation in the body. People who suffer from diabetes have a high level of inflammation in their body. Foods that include good fats are olive oil, salmon oil, fish, nuts, and eggs. Diabetics can also take an omega-3 supplement each day such as flaxseed oil or cod liver oil. One tablespoon per day is all that is required in order to enjoy the health benefits of these healthy oils.
Healthy Carbohydrates
Diabetics also need a good amount of healthy carbohydrates such as carrots, beets, apples, cucumbers, dark green leafy lettuce, and other vegetables. In order to get the most benefit from these foods, they should be consumed raw. When food is cooked, vitamins and enzymes needed for good health and metabolic function are killed. If you must cook your vegetables on occasion, cook with coconut oil. The structure of coconut oil does not change when exposed to heat, and coconut oil contains healthy fats.
Diabetics need a balanced amount of protein in their diet. Healthy sources of protein are lean turkey breast, chicken breast, and nutrient-rich fish like salmon and trout. Vegetable sources of protein, such as soy beans or spirulina, are just as beneficial as protein found in meat. Spirulina is a blue-green sea vegetable that also contains amino acids, and high levels of vitamins and minerals.
Super Foods
Diabetics suffer from poor immunity, resulting in slower healing from infection, colds, and the flu. Incorporating super foods into your diet can help to boost the immune system because these foods contain high levels of immune boosting vitamins such as vitamin C, and beta carotene. Chlorella is a sea vegetable that can be consumed in powder or pill form. Other super foods that are helpful at boosting immunity are goji berries and blueberries. Goji berries come from the wolfberry tree. These little berries pack a punch because one handful contains more than enough of your needed daily intake of vitamin C, and vitamin E.