How to Cook Meals For A Diabetic
Always pair a carbohydrate with a protein, and make sure the protein is served first. The protein stabilizes the blood sugar, helping lessen the blood sugar spike that a carb invariably induces.
Use fruit juice concentrate or low glycemic index sweeteners for desserts and quick breads in the place of refined sugar. Agave nectar is a growing favorite amongst diabetics, and maltitol syrup, made from corn, is a good sweetener too. Use both with moderation.
Splenda sugar substitute is the best artificial sugar substitute I've used for baking. It does require some adjustment on the part of the cook, however. Some foods will not brown as well and may not rise or spread as much as usual (cookies are a prime example). Just be aware of Splenda's weaknesses, and you will soon learn to have tasty, successful results with it.
Add more fruits and vegetables to the diet - the more, the better! Fruits and vegetables, especially the latter, deliver nutrients that are vital for diabetics.
Use whole grains often instead of processed white flour. Goods made with the white flour turn into sugar in the bloodstream very quickly, giving the diabetic an unwanted large blood sugar rise. Whole grains have more fiber; fiber is excellent for slowing down the rate at which the carbohydrates are assimulated and allow for a much more gradual rise and decline in blood sugar.
With a little thought and effort, you can make wonderful meals that are nourishing and healthy for a diabetic person. Enjoy helping those you love be healthy!