Diet and Nutrition for Diabetes
The Facts
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 23.6 million Americans were suffering from diabetes in 2007. There are two types of diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 diabetes is far less common than Type 2, which accounts for 90 to 95 percent of all diabetes cases. Both types have different causes, but they have the same detrimental health effects. Gestational diabetes is found only in pregnant women, and can cause problems with the infant, such as high birth weight, hypoglycemia, birth injuries and respiratory distress. Two to 3% of women will develop gestational diabetes.
Blood Glucose Levels
If you suffer from diabetes, it is important that you eat enough, but not too much. Eating too much can send your blood glucose levels skyrocketing, which is very dangerous for a diabetic. However, not eating enough can bring about hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. Hypoglycemia causes trembling, nervousness, weakness and inability to think clearly. To keep your blood glucose levels stabilized, try to eat the same amount of food every day, around the same time each day. Never skip meals or snacks, as this can cause a sudden dip in your blood glucose levels.
Cholesterol and Diabetes
Diabetes is a risk factor for heart disease, so it is important that you keep your cholesterol levels under control. Keep your LDL levels low, because LDL increases the chance of blocked arteries and damaged arterial walls. Lowering your triglyceride levels is equally important. Raising your HDL levels will decrease your risk of heart disease, because HDL essentially flushes your body of cholesterol and directs it to the liver for removal.
Healthy Food Choices
A low-fat diet is ideal for diabetics. Concentrate on cutting the fat out of your diet, especially saturated fat. Choose lean meat and seafood, and avoid foods that are high in cholesterol. Baking, grilling, and roasting are the best cooking methods when maintaining a low-fat diet. When using oil for cooking, choose heart-healthy oils, such as olive oil and canola oil. Eat high-fiber foods, cutting back on salt and sodium. Make sure to eat your fruits and vegetables, at least five servings per day.