Healthy Diabetic Breakfasts
The Basics of Breakast for Diabetics
Anyone with diabetes or those whose loved one has diabetes knows the importance of the correct type of carbohydrates in the diet. According to Life Clinic, breakfast carbohydrates should be kept between 45 to 75 grams, depending on the individual. Only a doctor or nutritionist can tell a patient what the correct amount is.
The majority of carbohydrates consumed should be complex carbohydrates, found in whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Another important consideration is the glycemic index (GI). The GI takes into account how quickly carbohydrates affect blood sugar. Our bodies burn complex carbohydrates more efficiently and at a slower rate, so these are less prone to spike blood glucose levels. An ideal diabetic breakfast should include all of these diet considerations.
The Importance of a Good Breakfast
Today's schedules often mean people rush out the door, sometimes skipping breakfast. This is not a good idea for a diabetic because skipping a meal can result in extremely low blood sugar. In addition, eating the wrong foods--those too rich in sugar or the wrong type of carbohydrates--can result in high blood sugar. A balanced breakfast can keep blood sugar stable throughout the morning hours.
Breakfast on the Go
According to the American Diabetic Association, a good fast breakfast choice is a breakfast milkshake. Blend one cup of low-fat milk, any type of fruit, wheatgerm and a tablespoon of nuts in a blender. The milk and wheatgerm provide the protein, the nuts provide the needed fat, and the fruit provides the proper balance of carbohydrates.
Sit Down for Breakfast
The University of Minnesota Medical Center suggests a breakfast burrito as a good choice for a diabetic breakfast. Scramble two eggs, using nonfat cooking spray. Fresh tomatoes and other vegetables can be added. Place the ingredients inside a tortilla and roll it up. This breakfast provides proteins and the correct kind of carbohydrates to start the day off right. These complex carbohydrates are a better choice as the body breaks them down slower, and therefore less sugar is released into the blood stream. For a diabetic, a slow release of sugar is always preferable to a fast release in order to avoid blood sugar problems later.
Foods to Avoid
There are certain foods that should not be included in a diabetic breakfast. Canned fruits contain unneeded sugars. Jellies and jams should be sugar-free. Potatoes should not be eaten or eaten sparingly as they are not a complex or good carbohydrate. While fats are needed for health body function, they should be polyunsaturated. Breakfast meats such as bacon or sausage are typically loaded with saturated fats, so think about substituting healthier meats, such as sausage made from lean hamburger or soy breakfast links. You can purchase these links in the frozen food section at your grocery store.