Healthy Diets for Type 2 Diabetes
People who have type 2 diabetes should have a diet this consists of 45 to 65 percent carbohydrates. Carbohydrates provide glucose for the body. You should consume good carbohydrates such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat diary and legumes. Try to avoid bad carbohydrates like sweets and pre-packaged snack foods. The best way to add good carbohydrates to your diet is to replace white pastas, breads and rice with whole-grain varieties.
People with type 2 diabetes should consume more fiber because it helps control blood sugar levels. Doctors recommend consuming at least 35 grams of fiber per day. The best way to increase your fiber intake is to eat fiber-rich foods such as fruits and vegetable, brown rice, whole-grain breads and cereals and bran. Just by adding one bowl of bran flakes, you will have consumed almost half of the fiber you need for the day.
Low Sodium
Because high blood pressure is common among those with type 2 diabetes, you should limit your sodium intake. A person with type 2 diabetes should not consume more than 2,300 mg of sodium each day. The best way to cut salt out of your diet is to limit the use of table salt. Also, try to avoid eating pre-packaged and fast food meals, because they can contain as much sodium as you should be eating for the entire day.