How to Lower Blood Pressure Quickly and Effectively
Get daily exercise. Being overweight can lead to an increase in blood pressure. Especially when you are eating foods that aren't particularly healthy at times. It's important to get daily exercise, and that should include running, jogging, treadmills, or swimming. Go to a local gym, and get motivated to lose some weight and get in better shape. Activity helps when lowering blood pressure.
Eat foods that lower blood pressure and change your diet. Avoid that amount of salt in your diet. If you use salt, or need to, then use sea salt instead. Still limit your usage. Avoiding eating a lot of butter, saturated fats, lots of dairy products, and fast food. Avoid drinking alcohol, which increases blood pressure.
The foods that you need to eat more of are fish, whole grains, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and fruits. You can meats, but start eating lean meats. Don't eat red meat. Skinless turkey, and chicken is good for you. You can make an herb sauce, to ad a bit more flavor. If you are cooking with oils, then use Olive oil. Olive oil will help lower blood pressure as well. Cook with garlic as well.
Take the right supplements. Omega-3 fish oils is what you're looking for. This will lower your blood pressure, and is the proper oil to be taking. Doctors might even recommend that you take them. I wouldn't get medication, use fish oils, unless your doctor strongly advises differently. You can use garlic as well to lower blood pressure, it works great. Drink 8-10 cold glasses of water daily. Drink green tea, claimed to be the healthiest drink in the world. Get about five cups in you daily. Research has said that it lowers blood pressure 65% in middle aged people. You still need a proper diet to follow by, if you're going to lower blood pressure quickly and effectively. Medication won't do it alone, you have to put in the dedication to do it yourself.