Essential Foods for Diabetics
High Fiber Foods
Foods that are high in fiber content and complex carbohydrates are essential for diabetics. These include whole grain breads, fortified cereals, oatmeal, and whole wheat pastas. Foods like this are high in fiber but low in fat to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. They help a diabetic feel satiated for a longer period of time so overeating can be avoided. Controlling body weight and cholesterol are two issues diabetics must deal with and high fiber foods help them to obtain a healthy weight and lower cholesterol levels.
Vegetables should be a staple in the diabetic diet. They provide vitamins, minerals, and fiber to maintain overall health. Green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, cucumber, celery, and Brussel sprouts are great for reducing blood sugar levels. Onions are another vegetable that many do not care for due to smell, but they contain compounds essential for diabetic health. Allicin, allyl, and disulphide compounds have been shown to aid with insulin synthesis. Tomatoes are also low in carbohydrates and help stablize blood glucose levels.
Fruits are also a key part of the diet for diabetics but they must be eaten with caution. Some fruits contain a large amount of carbohydrates and may affect blood sugar levels. Too many carbohydrates can cause a spike in blood sugar. Blueberries, oranges, apples, pears, and melons are good choices because they are digested more slowly and don't cause elevated blood glucose levels. Mangoes, papayas, pineapples, coconuts, and dried fruits are very high in simple sugars and can send blood sugar levels soaring.
Anyone with diabetes should obtain their protein from lean sources that are low in fat. Fish and skinless poultry are healthy as long as they are not fried. These items should be prepared by baking, broiling, or roasting for optimum benefit. Bean products such as kidney beans and French beans are strongly recommended because they are high in protein and fiber. Soybeans are also high in fiber and low in carbs so they regulate blood sugar levels the way kidney and French beans do. Other healthy protein sources include skim milk, low fat cheeses, eggs, and plain yogurt.
Foods To Avoid
While consuming a diet suitable for diabetics, there are certain foods and beverages that you should avoid. Simple sugars such as honey, candy bars, table sugar, and tropical fruits should be kept to a minimum. Simple sugars are released more quickly into the blood stream than their complex carbohydrate counterparts and can elevate blood sugar. Avoid artificially sweetened juices and high starch foods like potatoes, white bread, and white rice. Limit consumption of caffeine and alcohol as they have detrimental opposite effects; caffeine causes blood sugar to spike while alcohol causes blood sugar to decrease causing hypoglycemia. All of these food and beverages must be eliminated or ingested minimally as they make blood glucose regulation difficult.