Best Diets for Diabetics With High Urine Protein
Protein and Dairy
Animal protein puts undue stress on poorly functioning kidneys. The National Kidney Foundation recommends limiting all dietary protein and salt. In fact, the National Institutes of Health suggests getting only .6 grams of protein a day. Foods with low amounts of protein include vegetables, the soy products tofu and tempeh, and meat alternatives. Dairy is high in phosphorus. People with kidney disease have a high level of phosphorus in their bloodstream, which leads to low levels of calcium and bone loss. Replace milk products with soy milk, almond cheese and coconut ice cream. Low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese, goat cheese and feta cheese are good alternative options.
A diet high in sodium increases fluid retention, which is already exacerbated by malfunctioning kidneys. Kidneys that are unable to excrete salt begin to build up a toxic level of waste and fluid in the body. Edema is a condition that occurs when the kidneys produce less urine. The body begins to swell, and toxins can accumulate in the bloodstream. Prevent this condition by avoiding all sodium-rich foods, such as processed foods, canned soup, fatty and fried foods, gravy, sauces, chips, crackers and salted fish. Limit eating out, because most prepared food includes salt. Any food that was made with a rub or is breaded should be avoided, too. Instead of salt, use fresh herbs and spices to add life to food.
Problematic kidneys cannot remove potassium from the body, and too much potassium can lead to irregular heartbeats. Foods with potassium include oranges, bananas, potatoes, nuts, lima beans, avocados, cauliflower and dried fruits.
Because diabetics must sustain normal blood sugar levels, carbohydrates may need to be limited in their diet. The typical amount recommended by the American Diabetes Association is between 45 and 65 grams per meal. People on healthy kidney diets, however, should get most of their calories from carbohydrates. This can pose a problem for diabetics. Check with your doctor to find out how many carbohydrates you need daily.