Is Splenda Bad for Diabetics?
Splenda is made from sucralose. Sucralose is made from regular granulated sugar. Scientists replace three hydrogen-oxygen groups of the sugar molecule with three chlorine atoms. This results in a stable sweetener that is calorie free.
The body doesn't recognize Splenda as a sugar. This means that is not broken down for energy, and it remains undigested after it is consumed. It causes no spike in blood glucose levels.
According to Anju Mammen of Vanderbilt University, "some nutritionists and health professionals warn [users] to be careful. The intense sweetness of sucralose (Splenda) causes a lot of people to crave food, because 'artificial sweeteners confuse the brain.'" This is a side effect that can lead to overeating. The diabetic needs to be mindful of this possibility when using Splenda.
Splenda has a lot of pros for use as a sweetener for diabetics. It has no calories, no bad aftertaste, and does not affect glucose levels. It is a stable substance that can be used in cooking and baking, so it is great for making desserts. It is also FDA approved. Sucralose, the key ingredient of Splenda, has been the subject of study for over 20 years, and it has been established as safe for consumption in 80 countries.
Splenda does have a few drawbacks. It is possible that its use can cause strong cravings for carbohydrates. There are also many documented reports that the use of Splenda can cause diarrhea and gas.
Forbidden Foods
Using Splenda as a sugar replacement allows a diabetic to add once-forbidden foods back into his diet. Splenda can be used in coffees, teas and baked goods.
It is important to remember that sugar count is not the only thing to take into consideration when deciding if a food is a viable option for a diabetic. Even if a food is sugar-free it may not be low in carbohydrates. Keeping both sugars and carbohydrates in control are important factors for keeping a diabetic healthy.
Splenda Options
Splenda comes in a variety forms. Splenda baking options include Splenda granulated, Splenda sugar blend and Splenda brown sugar blend. It is also available in packets, as well as flavored varieties for coffee and tea.