Safe Sugar Substitutes for Diabetics
Splenda has less than 1 gram of carbohydrates and less than 5 calories per serving. It can be used as a substitute for sugar in almost any instance, making it ideal for baking. When heated, Splenda retains its sweetness. Created by starting with real sugar, a patented process is employed to remove the calories and carbohydrates, leaving behind sucralose. Even though the product starts with sugar, by the time the process is completed, the body does not recognize it as a sugar. Splenda has no noticeable effect on blood glucose levels or insulin.
Xylitol is a sweetener that occurs naturally in small amounts in many fruits and vegetables. Commercially, it is produced from hardwood trees and other types of vegetation. It has a sweet taste similar to that of sugar and dissolves quickly, making it a good choice for use in coffee and other beverages. Xylitol has a low glycemic index and is slowly absorbed and metabolized. No abrupt increase in blood sugar or insulin occurs with the product's use. The calorie content is one-third less than that of sugar. Another benefit of xylitol is that it has a positive effect on dental health.
Stevia is a naturally occurring sweetener that has been used in many Latin American cultures for centuries. Made from a shrub that is native to Paraguay, it is considered an herb. The product is extracted from the plant's leaf and is 10 to 15 times sweeter than sugar. It can be added to any food or drink and is calorie- and carbohydrate-free. Liquid stevia and stevia powder both cab be used as sugar replacements in recipes. Stevia stimulates the release of insulin and helps in the normalization of glucose response in diabetics. It also has beneficial effects on blood pressure.