What Should a Diabetic Diet Consist Of?
Vegetables have low GI ratings and should be a large part of every diabetic diet. Vegetables also contain high amounts of fiber. Fiber aids in the slowing of digestion, which results in the slow release of sugar into the bloodstream. Meals that are high in fiber also tend to be more filling, which can decrease a diabetic's craving for sugary foods. Vegetables that contain a GI rating lower than 20 include onions, red peppers, green beans, tomatoes, cabbage and mushrooms. Every diabetic diet should include salads because of the low GI rating in vegetables.
GI ratings are provided to diabetics from the American Diabetes Association. A list of foods and their GI ratings can be found at The-GI-Diet.Org. Low GI ratings fall between zero and 40, moderate GI ratings fall between 40 and 60, and high GI ratings are over 60.
Nuts have a low GI rating and can provide for a great midday snack for diabetics. Nuts that contain GI levels below 30 include peanuts, walnuts and cashews. Nuts are high in calories and should not be consumed alone for meals. However, nuts are a sensible addition to salads.
A diabetic diet should consist of fruits, but only those with low GI ratings. Fruits with a GI rating of under 30 include cherries, plums, grapefruit, prunes and peaches. Combining any of these fruits into a fruit salad can be a healthy addition to a diabetic diet. Fruits with a GI of over 50 include mangoes, sultanas, bananas, raisins, figs, pineapple and papaya. These fruits should be avoided if possible because they could result in hyperglycemia if consumed too often.
Many types of beans have low GI ratings and can be the perfect addition to any diabetic diet. Butter beans, navy beans, red lentils, green lentils and yellow split beans have a GI rating of under 40. These beans can be eaten as a snack or added to a vegetable salad.
Staying hydrated is an important part of staying healthy, especially if you are a diabetic. Proper hydration can reduce your appetite and help keep your blood sugar at safe levels. According to the Mayo Clinic, individuals should drink 64 ounces of water per day.