Diabetic Cooking Tips
Reduce the amount of fat in your meals by making suitable substitutions when possible. Choose low fat or fat free varieties of milk, cheese and sour cream. Instead of using heavy cream, use low fat ricotta. Whip it in a blender and mix with low fat yogurt. Use egg substitutes in place of whole eggs or just use the egg whites. Use two egg whites in place of every whole egg called for in a recipe. When buying meat, choose lean cuts that have little visible fat. Remove fat before cooking. Remove skin from poultry before eating. Cook meat on a rack so the fat drips away. Marinate with wine rather than butter. Let soups, stocks and gravies set long enough for the fat to rise to the top so you can scoop it off before serving.
Sugar Substitutes
Sweeten your food and drinks with zero calorie artificial sweeteners that do not have to be calculated into your daily carbohydrate count. These include saccharin, aspartame and sucralose. Saccharin is sold under the brand names of Sugar Twin and Sweet 'n Low. It can be used for hot and cold drinks and other food. Equal is the brand name for aspartame. It can be used in drinks and foods that do not require long cooking times as it breaks down after twenty minutes of heating. Splenda is the brand name for sucralose. This sweetener can be used in every way that regular sugar can be used including standing up to long cooking times.
Cut back on the amount of salt in your diet by developing an appreciation for herbs. Do not use salt when preparing your meals. If you find you need it, wait and add it right before eating so you use less. Omit salt all together and flavor your meals with various herbs like dill, mint, parsley, basil, sage, rosemary and thyme. When buying food at the grocery store, look for products that are labeled as reduced salt or low salt.