The Best Colon Cleanse for Diabetics
Blood Sugar Levels and the Colon
Diabetics with chronic constipation tend to show higher blood sugar levels, so colon cleansing can help maintain levels. Blood sugars go up not only in response to eating high-sugar or high-carbohydrate foods, but also when the colon is stretched or distended. The cells that line the part of the intestine closest to the stomach send a signal to the pancreas when a meal has been digested. The pancreas then secretes insulin to prepare to move glucose to cells that need it. The pancreas also secretes glucagons, which activate the liver into releasing enough glucose to keep sugar levels from going too low. Diabetics either do not produce insulin or the cells in their bodies do not respond to it. Diabetics do produce glucagons, which can keep their blood sugars unstable. Bulky foods or large quantities of meat and starchy foods trigger this process, because they do not pass through the intestines quickly. Keeping the colon clear can help to stabilize the blood sugars.
Diet as a Colon Cleanser
Different types of fasting is a common denominator in many colon cleansing programs. Do not go on any type of fast without consulting a physician. Make dietary changes and eat vegetables rich in fiber, but do so in moderation. Start by adding one additional serving per day. Do not use a laxative. Add fruits or vegetables to the diet that have a laxative-like action to them. Add prunes to the diet, but again, use moderation. Prunes are a fruit that are high in sugar. Incorporate milk of magnesia, as this brings more water into the colon. This makes passing stools easier. Cut down on meats and drink plenty of water.
Enemas as a Colon Cleanser
A cleansing program can also include the use of enemas. Enemas are used for preventive medicine and to relieve constipation. Purchase an enema bag at your local drugstore. The kit consists of a bag and a tube. Fill the bag with water (to the recommended level stated by the manufacturer) and then insert the tube into your rectum. As the water flows into the rectum, it flushes the colon.