What Is a Fructosamine Test?
The Test
A fructosamine test measures the glucose level in blood by checking for proteins, particularly albumin. Raised glucose molecules in blood combine with proteins to form glycated protein. Because a red blood cell can exist for two to three months, the fructosamine test indicates the average level of glucose over a period of several weeks. The self-test that diabetics regularly use measures the glucose level at the time of the test.
Reason for Test
Monitoring diabetics is an important part of overall diabetic control. Sustained high glucose levels can lead to severe medical conditions, such as kidney failure, retinopathy and high blood pressure. While it is important for diabetics to regularly test for raised glucose levels themselves, a fructosamine test provides an accurate historic glucose reading; a doctor can take appropriate action, offer medication and advice on how to reduce glucose levels.
Test Results
A fructosamine test may be initiated at regular intervals, so that a doctor can analyze a trend of glucose levels. If the repetitive test results show that levels are increasing, it means that diabetic control needs altering. For example, a patient's diet may need altering, or the insulin dosage is not enough to maintain a balance in the glucose level. Further tests, once diabetic control has changed, ensure that glucose levels are reduced to satisfactory levels.
Who Needs the Test
A fructosamine test is only relevant to people already diagnosed with diabetes. It is not used as a diagnostic tool. There are too many variants in the results from controlled diabetics and non-diabetics for the test to be effective. The test is usually performed when a doctor suspects poor diabetic control. There is a more widely used test -- the HbA1C test but the fructosamine test is more useful and reliable for cases where rapid changes are occurring. It is also used in cases where a diabetic is pregnant.