List of Combination Exchange Foods
Carbohydrate Exchanges
One carbohydrate exchange on the list is equal to about 80 calories. Likewise, two carbohydrate exchanges are 160 calories, three are 240 and so on. These exchanges could include any type of bread, grain or starch vegetable, such as white potatoes. Some carbohydrates also have fat values, such as French fries, which count as one carbohydrate and one fat for a 1.5-oz. serving.
Fruit and Vegetable Exchanges
One fruit exchange on the list accounts for about 60 calories. Examples include strawberries, blueberries and kiwi. Dried fruit, fruit juices and fruit jellies fit into this category, but added sugars change their exchange values. Vegetables that are not part of the carbohydrate exchanges are called non-starchy vegetables. Examples include broccoli and carrots. These vegetables account for about 25 calories per serving, which is equal to 1 cup of fresh vegetables or 1/2 cup of cooked vegetables.
Protein Exchanges
Protein exchanges are divided into dairy and meat categories. One dairy exchange includes 8 g of protein and 90 to 150 calories, which is dependent on the fat content. This is equal to 1 cup of milk, soy milk or yogurt. The meat exchanges are subdivided into categories ranging from lean to high-fat meats. This category also includes cheese and beans. One meat exchange includes 7 g of protein and ranges from 35 to 100 calories, which is also dependent on fat content.
Fat Exchanges
One fat exchange on the list has 5 g of fat and 45 calories. These foods can be eaten independently, such as with slices of avocado or nuts. They may also be used in making other foods, such as with oils for frying or baking.