How to Control Your Blood Sugar Naturally
Alter your diet to cut out sugary and high-starch foods. Opt for high-fiber, low-sugar and low-fat foods. Even foods like white bread, which may not have much raw sugar, can convert to high levels of glucose (sugar) after they're metabolized.
Eat smaller meals more often. Dividing up your meals into five or six smaller portions throughout the day, instead of three large meals, will allow your body to keep more steady levels of blood sugar.
Get a healthy night's sleep. A study done by James E. Gangwisch, Ph.D., of Columbia University, found that a lack of sleep can cause an increase in insulin resistance in people, which is the same problem resulting from diabetes. A similar study done at the Chicago University Medical Center found that, over time, sleep deprivation can lead to type 2 diabetes.
Avoid caffeinated beverages such as colas, tea and coffee. These are stimulants, which increase the amount of adrenaline released in your body, consequently increasing your blood sugar levels.
Get some exercise. Working out, even lightly, helps your liver regulate glucose levels. Start out by lightly walking if you're not used to much physical activity. Even 10 or 20 minutes a day will help. Over time, you can increase the activity.