How to Substitute Equal for Sugar
One packet of Equal is the same as two teaspoons of sugar. Use half a packet of Equal when you would normally use a teaspoon of sugar, or a packet for two teaspoons. Keep this equivalent in mind and multiply as needed for sweetening single beverages or bowls of cereal.
Equal adds sweetness to a pitcher of lemonade. Stir in six packets--the equivalent of 1/4 cup of sugar, according to sweeten a pitcher of iced tea. Adjust for taste from there.
Use eight packets of Equal in recipes that would normally require 1/3 cup of granulated sugar.
Equal works best in unbaked desserts. Add 24 packets of Equal to unbaked pie recipes that call for the addition of one cup of sugar.
Try Equal Spoonful instead of packets. One teaspoon of Equal Spoonful adds the same level of sweetness to foods and drinks as one teaspoon of sugar. No conversions are necessary, making it a convenient alternative.