Lipo 6X Vs. Hydroxycut Hardcore
What is Lipo 6X?
Lipo 6X is a nutraceutical, manufactured and marketed by Nutrex Research, and is the new version of the company's previously popular Lipo 6 product. The company claims it is of pharmaceutical quality, and generally aims its advertising at the hardcore bodybuilding and fitness community.
How Does Lipo 6X Work?
The main ingredients in Lipo 6X are synephrine HCL, yohimbine HCL, and synthetic acacia rigidula mimicking complex. As part of its "thryoid-stimulating proprietary matrix," it also contains phenylethylamine, tyramine HCL, hordenine, caffeine, and synthetic guggulsterones. This blend is purported by the company to help induce fat-burning without the usual fat-burner side effects like raised heart rate and anxiety.
What is Hydroxycut Hardcore?
According to the World Journal of Gastroenterology, Hydroxycut is the top-selling dietary supplement for weight loss in the U.S. It is made by Iovate Health Sciences Inc., and is widely available at mass-market retailers. Hydroxycut Hardcore is a variation of this product marketed specifically to bodybuilders and athletes.
How Does Hydroxycut Hardcore Work?
The original formulation of Hydroxycut was based on Garcinia cambogia, Gymnema sylvestre, chromium polynicotinate, caffeine, and green tea. However, in 2009 the FDA issued a warning to consumers about the formula's potential for liver damage. Hydroxycut was reformulated in 2009, and now its key ingredient is caffeine.
Is Weight Loss Greater with Lipo 6X or Hydroxycut Harcore?
Considered alone, with no diet or lifestyle changes, caffeine, the key ingredient in Hydroxycut Hardcore, has not been shown to contribute significantly to weight loss. On Hydroxycut's own product information page, the company states that caffeine "is not a weight-control product." Synephrine and yohimbine, which are in Lipo 6X, have similarly not been proven in published, peer-reviewed studies to contribute to weight loss. Diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes are always the best bet.