Hoodia Max Side Effects
No Known Side Effects
Manufacturers of Hoodia Max report no known side effects to the diet supplement. Many users have also reported that they experience no side effects. South African bushmen have been using Hoodia gordonii in its natural form for many years, though it is unknown whether any side effects existed or how often they used the plant. Hoodia diet supplements are relatively new to the United States market, so it is unknown if any long-term side effects will appear in the future. Many Hoodia manufacturers also claim their product is made from 100 percent natural ingredients.
Drug Interactions
Because Hoodia affects the way the body functions, anyone who takes prescription drugs should consult their physician before adding Hoodia Max to their regimen. People who experience liver problems before taking Hoodia should steer clear of diet supplements that may contain additives that affect liver function. Dietary supplements are not regulated like medications are, and therefore may contain additional ingredients besides the Hoodia that can interact with prescriptions.
Slowed Metabolism
Because Hoodia Max is an appetite suppressant, users will eat fewer calories because they will not feel hungry. When the body takes in fewer calories than is recommended by doctors and nutritionists, the body's metabolism slows down to conserve calories. Although the body may still lose weight, once the user discontinues using Hoodia Max, she will likely experience more rapid weight gain due to low metabolism.
Since Hoodia Max works by suppressing the appetite, it is possible that some users will go to extremes and not eat food regularly, or not eat enough food to provide the body with proper nutrients. Malnutrition can result in body organs, including the heart, not functioning correctly and, in extreme cases, death. Using Hoodia Max as it is directed will not likely result in malnutrition. Loss of the thirst sensation is possible along with the loss of the hunger sensation, so users should make sure to drink plenty of water each day, even if they do not feel thirsty.