Dangers of Appemine Appetite Suppressant
According to Free Lose Weight, the ingredient green tea is a stimulant and is supposed to boost energy, possess antioxidant properties, and assist in burning excess fat. Cinnamon twig is supposed to work to suppress the appetite. It is also said to have the same benefits as green tea. Galangal is a stimulant that is said to increase metabolism and energy, as well as to help increase fat burning.
Appetite suppressants like Appemine are supposed to be taken on an empty stomach approximately an hour prior to eating a meal. According to Medicine Net, splitting or crushing supplements can lead to increased side effects. Appemine should not be taken late in the day because the stimulants in it can interfere with sleep. This supplement should only be taken under a doctor's supervision and not for more than eight to twelve weeks at a time. Because of the stimulants in this appetite suppressant, it must be taken exactly as directed by a doctor to avoid adverse, and possibly dangerous, side effects.
Side Effects
According to Slimming Pills Review, Appemine may cause the jitters and an increase in energy. This appetite suppressant contains green tea which is a stimulant so patients may also experience dizziness, vomiting, irritability, trouble sleeping, nausea, shakiness, nervousness, diarrhea, chest pain, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. According to Medicine Net, other side effects may occur such as blurred vision, swelling, dry mouth, mood changes, stomach upset, trouble urinating, constipation, chest pain and heart palpitations.
According to Medicine Net, patients with certain medical conditions should avoid Appemine and other appetite suppressants. These include high blood pressure, glaucoma, emotional problems, over-active thyroid and diabetes.
Drug Interactions
Medicine Net states that certain drugs will interact with Appemine. These interactions could be dangerous and they include MAO inhibitors, high blood pressure medications, stimulants, decongestants and other weight loss medications. It may also be dangerous to take this appetite suppressant with herbal remedies, particularly those with stimulant effects.