When to Take a Swanson Carb Blocker
Swanson Introduces C-120X
Nutritionists often recommend multiple vitamins or a few antioxidants to supplement healthy eating, but weight-loss pills largely have been viewed as a waste of money. That distinction changed for a humble white kidney bean extract, introduced to carbohydrate-counting consumers by Swanson through its mail-order catalog and website a few years ago.
Starches Pass Along Undigested
Swanson Ultimate Carb Control C-120X is referred to as a carb blocker because, when taken with a meal, its active ingredient prevents a portion of carbohydrates from being metabolized. Carbohydrates are a macro nutrient made up of dietary starches and sugars. Ultimate Carb Control C-120X works by neutralizing an enzyme called alpha amylase, which the body requires to properly break down starches and convert them to glucose. When taking the supplements, starch calories harmlessly pass out of the body much like nonsoluble fiber.
Lose Weight on Pasta and Potatoes
Swanson Ultimate Carb Control C-120X does not work the same on sugar, however. For instance, C-120X will block the calories from the flour in a piece of cake, but it will not block the calories from sugar. C-120X is a perfect dieting companion for anyone who enjoys pasta, bread, potatoes or snack foods like chips and pretzels. Look at the total carbohydrate content when reading package labels. If the label reads 26 grams (g) of carbohydrate per serving, and 4g come from sugar, the other 22g may be blocked by this unique supplement.
Erase 300 Calories
Each tablet neutralizes up to 75g of starchy carbohydrates. One gram of carbohydrate is equivalent to 4 calories. Therefore, if 75g are blocked from a single meal, it's possible that a staggering 300 calories will pass from your system unassimilated! Ultimate Carb Control C-120X does not block calories from proteins or fats, however.
Take with a Meal
Users especially appreciate the convenience of this particular Swanson carb blocker. Similar products must be taken 30 minutes before eating, and predictably, dieters often forget to do so. C-120X works just as effectively when taken with a meal, and the chance of remembering it substantially increases thanks to this feature. The 2mg tablets are tiny, too, so you can easily carry a two-week supply in a pill case for unexpected meals away from home. Look for item SWU302 at swansonvitamins.com.