Pros & Cons of Herbalife Diet
The Herbalife diet is a weight-loss regimen that uses liquid meals as a substitute. The diet uses protein drinks to substitute two meals each day. The drinks are accompanied by multivitamins and herbal tablets. This controversial diet surely has some pros and cons.-
Pros of Herbalife
There are limited pros for being on the Herbalife diet. The first pro is that the diet is simple. The instructions are straight-forward and easy to follow. The second pro of the Herbalife diet is that it's easy to take the supplement shakes and meal replacements. This makes it extremely convenient. Also there are no dietary restrictions.
Cons of Herbalife
At the top of the cons list is that this diet is extremely expensive. It can set you back, with shipping, over 100 dollars (as of 2009). Another con is that ephedrine, an ingredient in Herbalife diet, has been shown to have very negative effects. Some of those side effects include irregular heartbeat, chest pains, headaches and shortness of breath. These side effects can be life threatening. Also ephedrine will build up an unhealthy drug tolerance, so more ephedrine will be needed if you pursue Herbalife for an extended period of time.