Does Citrimax Work?
Citrimax is a brand name for a product containing HCA or hydroxycitric acid. HCA comes from the fruit rinds of Garcinia Cambogia, a small fruit that resembles a miniature pumpkin. It is indigenous to India and parts of Asia. Citrimax is one of many weight-loss supplements containing HCA. Even as early as the 1970s, studies have shown that large doses of HCA inhibit the conversion of carbohydrate to fat. Animal research supports these claims, but in the past, human trials results have been unclear.
Citrimax is used as a weight-loss tool. It makes meals seem more filling, thereby lowering your food and calorie intake. HCA blocks the body from forming fat and increases the activity of certain enzymes that burn fat.
HCA, the key ingredient in Citrimax is all-natural because it comes from the fruit product Garcinia Cambogia. In the many studies done on HCA, it has never caused any significant bad side effects. The side effects of people taking HCA were comparable to those taking a placebo. HCA is very similar chemically to natural citrate, known to be safe. Even when mice in toxicity tests were fed amounts much higher than maximum human doses, they suffered no ill effects.
Citrimax has been found to raise seratonin levels, which control our appetite, sleeping patterns and moods. Increasing seratonin levels can help you avoid a vicious cycle of bad eating patterns. Decreased seratonin levels can make you depressed, which causes you to eat more. HCA makes your body feel more full than it really is, causing you to eat less than you would otherwise. The are no serious side affects like those associated with other weight-loss supplements, like insomnia, rapid heart rate, high blood pressure and even death. HCA has a tendency to lower blood sugar, which may curb cravings for sweets and carbohydrates. Taking Citrimax can make you more aware of your overall health. It may motivate you to get on a regular exercise plan, cut down on calories and eat more fruits and vegetables.
Garcinia Cambogia reportedly does not have any known adverse effects in healthy adults, but there are some people who are advised not to take it. Children, pregnant and lactating women, those diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and people with Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia disease are among the groups of people who are not recommended to take Citrimax. In the case of Alzheimer's patients, it is thought HCA might form acetylcholine in the brain. Diabetics could be affected by HCA's tendency to lower blood sugar by lowering insulin levels too low when taken with diabetes medication.