How to Know If My Acai Pills Are Still Good

Acai pills have made quite a splash in the weight-loss industry. Boasting a powerful mixture of antioxidants and other nutrients that will not only help you lose weight but also feel better from the inside out, these pills are in high demand. They are said to aid in weight loss and ridding the body of built-up toxins that may hamper successful dieting. If you aren't sure whether you acai pills are still good, there are a few factors you can look to.

Things You'll Need

  • Acai pills
  • Acai pill bottle label
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  1. Getting Started

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      Check the expiration date. As with any supplement, there should be a "use-by" date or an expiration date on the product's label. If the date has not passed you should be good to go.

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      Make sure the pills aren't heat damaged. If your pills have been stored in a place that is too hot, this may cause your pills to prematurely lose their benefits. Your pills should be stored in a cool, dark place, such as a refrigerator, to ensure they last the longest. If your pills were left outside or in the sun, they may begin to melt and adhere to each other, making them less effective.

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      Buy a freeze-dried formula. There are various ways to get the acai berries into pill form. The most common methods are freeze drying, spray drying and drum drying. The best method to ensure the berries retain their highest level of nutrients is through freeze drying.

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      Avoid acai seeds. Acai pills that have acai seeds as their source for the nutrient are least likely to hold up. Instead, pills that contain the berry's pulp and skin in a freeze-dried formula are recommended.

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      Buy pills with a high ORAC value. (ORAC is oxygen radical absorbance capacity.)
      This statistic will be listed on the bottle, and the higher the ORAC value, the better the pill will be and the longer it will stay effective. Generally acai berries will score well into the 5,000 ORAC range. Pills that do not have a high level aren't made with the best quality ingredients and should be avoided.

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