Femi-Trim for Weight Loss
Femi-Trim is a weight loss supplement that is heavily marketed for women who are menopausal or pre-menopausal. Containing an all-natural blend of ingredients, Femi-Trim contains several well-known pro-metabolic ingredients such as apple cider vinegar and chromium picolonate in a pill that is touted to rejuvenate, restore energy and help keep extra weight at bay without the usual jitters that many diet pills induce.
As females age, changes in their metabolisms and thyroid hormones can cause them to inadvertently gain weight even when they haven't changed their lifestyles. Femi-Trim claims that through its blend of all-natural ingredients, it can help in the fight against this particular age-related weight gain.
Femi-Trim contains ingredients like sea kelp, apple cider vinegar, chromium picolonate, guggul extract, cocoa nut, amino acids, cayenne pepper and green tea. The amino acid complex contains L-carnitine, L-glutamine, L-cystine, L-leucine and L-tyrosine. These amino acids occur naturally in many foods but are optimized for nutrition by Femi-Trim. This balance of amino acids is said to increase energy and promote metabolism.
Femi-Trim claims that is helps support metabolism and thyroid function as well as staves off food cravings, reduces appetite and burns fat. In addition to taking Femi-Trim, users are advised to follow a sensible, reduced-calorie diet and get plenty of exercise to maximize the effects of the supplement.
Femi-Trim's recommended dosage is two capsules in the morning and two again in the afternoon. Doses should each be taken with a full glass of water. Femi-Trim has not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. It is considered to be a dietary supplement and not a medication, and is therefore not subject to FDA testing. Pregnant or lactating women should not take Femi-Trim, as it has not been tested on pregnant or breastfeeding women.