How to Lose Pounds & Inches With Diet Pills
Talk to your doctor about the potential risks of over-the-counter diet pills and supplements before you start taking any. Some, such as ephedra, can have potentially fatal side effects, such as heart attack and stroke. Other herbal remedies or over-the-counter appetite reducers may negatively interact with any medication you might already be taking. Discuss with him or her prescription appetite reducers such as phentermine, ensuring you understand the risks and dosage before taking these diet pills.
Take your diet pills as directed. Do this whether it is a prescription appetite reducer, such as phentermine, or an over-the-counter malabsorptive drug, such as Alli (orlistat.) Do not stop taking the medication without discussing it with your doctor.
Exercise regularly to lose pounds and inches with diet pills. The Mayo Clinic recommends that those desiring weight loss do at least 30 to 60 minutes of moderate physical activity almost every day of the week.
Take at least one rest day from structured exercise. However, remember you can almost always get extra physical activity through your daily chores and errands, such as taking out the trash, shopping, mowing the lawn, gardening, making the bed, and cleaning the house.
Drink at least six to eight glasses of water a day. Those who are exercising or extremely overweight should consider drinking even more fluids.
Stop drinking sugary sodas. In fact, try not to drink even diet soda, choosing water instead. If you must have something besides water, hot or iced tea is the best alternative. Remember not to add sugar.
Reduce the amount of food you eat. Cut out junk foods like candy, potato chips, ice cream, and pizza. Concentrate on eating more lean protein and dairy products, fruits and vegetables, healthier fats like olive oil, and whole-grain bread and cereal. Consider joining a commercial weight loss program, such as Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem, if you desire extended nutritional support and guidance.
Eat a piece of fruit or a vegetable when temptation strikes. You may also want to drink more water, exercise, or engage in another pleasurable activity that does not involve overeating.
Consider joining a support group, such as Overeaters Anonymous or Weight Watchers. This will help you deal with emotions that may lead to overeating and receive support in your behavior modification efforts. These groups also offer a variety of food plans that may aid in your new eating lifestyle. Attend meetings regularly. Such efforts along with changing your eating and exercise habits will likely help guarantee that you will lose pounds and inches with diet pills.