Cortisol Weight Loss Formula
Cortisol Blockers
Cortisol weight loss formulas are actually cortisol blockers, such as CortiSlim and CortiStress. According to the Mayo Clinic, these manufacturers claim that blocking cortisol will result in weight loss. However, there is no solid evidence that these claims are accurate. The Federal Trade Commission charged these manufacturers in 2007 for making unsubstantiated assertions. They are no longer permitted to make claims of weight loss and had to refund millions of dollars to consumers.
Cortisol Production
According to Project Aware, cortisol is important in your body's reaction to physical and emotional stress. It raises blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and suppresses your immune system. During stress, your adrenal glands produce more cortisol as well as adrenaline. Cortisol helps the process of changing protein to glucose in order to provide your body with quick energy during periods of stress.
Initially during stress, fat is broken down by the production of cortisol and adrenaline to provide you with energy. During this time, your digestive system temporarily shuts off and suppresses your appetite. When you are no longer under stress, the adrenaline disperses, but the cortisol does not go away as quickly. Its role is to balance your body, and one way of doing that is to boost your appetite in order to replace the fat that would have been burned during the stress.
If you are frequently under stress, you experience long-term exposure to cortisol. This could lead to weight gain because your appetite is always increasing as well as your insulin level, according to Project Aware. However, cortisol is not the only factor in weight gain and it is not certain whether cortisol results in increased weight or if the increased weight causes increased cortisol.
False Claims
The reasons cortisol blockers do not work is that such large quantities of cortisol can only occur under certain circumstances. This may be the result of a side effect from a medication or because of a medical problem such as the hormonal imbalance of Cushing's syndrome, according to the Mayo Clinic. This means that if you are healthy, the amount of cortisol produced due to normal everyday stress is not going to result in deposits of fat.
Reducing your caloric intake and increasing your activity level to burn calories is the most effective method of losing weight, according to the Mayo Clinic.