Tribulus Safety
Tribulus is known as a flowering plant. It is considered a toxic weed, though it is found in various dietary supplements.
Tribulus, if used in the short-term only, is considered to be relatively safe under certain circumstances. For people who have any medical problems, especially allergies, diabetes, prostate cancer or an enlarged prostate, a health care provider or doctor should be contacted before you use tribulus.
Side Effects
According to eMEDtv, there are no known side effects of Tribulus, but this does not mean that side effects have not or cannot occur. Some side effects that can occur, theoretically speaking, are anger and increased body hair.
Some of the benefits that have been associated with tribulus are an increase in libido and muscle mass, treatment of conditions like erectile dysfunction, kidney stones, gonorrhea, cancer and eczema. Tribulus is best known for treating sex drive or the libido.
There is little evidence that proves that tribulus works for any of its related uses, according to eMEDtv. Contact your health care provider for your options if you believe you need to use tribulus.