The Best Diet Using Alli
How it Works
According to the manufacturer, Alli can help dieters lose 50 percent more weight than dieting and exercise alone. The fat blocked by Alli equates to less calories consumed. In conjunction with changes in eating habits and increased physical activity, dieters loose weight by consuming less and burning more calories.
The makers of Alli are very specific as to what type of foods should be eaten while taking the supplement. Low-fat, healthy options are encouraged. Foods that contain a high amount of fat are strongly discouraged. Individuals who take Alli and consume more than 15 grams of fat during a meal may suffer from very unpleasant side effects including gas, diarrhea, loose stools and gas with an oily discharge.
Alli and Diet
People taking Alli should eat meals rich in vegetables and fruits and snack on the same during the day. Other approved snacks include yogurt and low-fat cheese. At mealtime, lean meats are strongly encouraged over meats high in fat. Broiling, baking and grilling are recommended while fried foods should be avoided. Dieters can increase their success and lessen the chance for overeating with meals that are preportioned or prepackaged. People who take Alli for weight loss are strongly encouraged to take a multivitamin to help replenish lost nutrients.
Research of shopping habits confirms Alli users are switching their eating habits. GlaxoSmithKline contends individuals who take Alli are far less likely to purchase foods with a high fat content. As reported in the November 2008 issue of Drug Store News, people who use Alli to help shed pounds navigate toward healthier foods when shopping. A co-author of the study, Rebecca Reeves, stated, "In the study, we observed that repeat Alli buyers also increased their purchases of healthier food items tike yogurt, adult cereal, diet control bars, premium frozen entrees and multivitamins" (See Reference 3). The researchers studied the shopping habits of 15,156 consumers who purchased Alli of a period of 26 weeks. The study results were presented at the 2008 Annual Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society (See Reference 3).
Study researchers found that users of Alli are 2 percent more likely to purchase multivitamins and 3 percent more likely to purchase yogurt with probiotics. They are more likely to purchase diet food items. Although the purchase of diet food bars and diet control products dropped by 8 percent, users of Alli increased their use of these same products by 4 percent (See Reference 3).