Is Arson Pro Competition Strength Fat Burner Safe?

Arson Pro-Competition Strength Thermogenic is a diet supplement that is meant to burn fat. It was developed for serious, competitive bodybuilders only and is not intended for everyday weight loss.
  1. Green Tea

    • Studies suggest that green tea helps people lose weight. One of the main ingredients in Arson is green tea extract.


    • Caffeine is a stimulant that gives energy and raises metabolism. Arson contains caffeine.

    Side Effects

    • The main side effect from Arson Pro-Competition Strength Thermogenic is diarrhea and nausea, which a small percentage of users have experienced. Some people also have had bad reactions to the caffeine.


    • Some users also experience dehydration, although it's not known if it was caused by Arson or just not drinking enough water while working out.


    • Arson Pro-Competition Strength Thermogenic appears to be safe with only a small chance of mild side effects, if used as directed. Again, it's for serious bodybuilders only.


    • The Food and Drug Administration does not monitor supplements. The official Arson website makes claims about scientific studies and Arson versus a placebo but doesn't reference the studies.

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