Safety of Lipovox
Lipovox is considered a supplement, not a medication, so it is not regulated by the FDA. There have been no clinical studies conducted on its safety or efficacy.
Talk with your doctor before taking Lipovox, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, on any medication or have a preexisting medical condition.
Food Allergies
Lipovox contains concentrated food extracts. Signs of an allergic reaction include hives, rash, wheezing, problems breathing, itching and facial swelling.
Side Effects
Lipovox's official website does not list any possible side effects. However, some reviewers on the CritiCALorie website said they experienced headaches, constipation and gas (see Resources).
Because green tea contains caffeine, you may experience side effects typically associated with caffeine use, such as shakiness and a jittery feeling.