How to Take Vitamins While Using Diet Pills
Read the ingredients. Look on the back of your diet pill bottle at the vitamins and minerals section. According to the Mayo Clinic, some diet supplements include a significant percentage of vitamins in a serving of pills.
Make a list. Write down all of the vitamins that are present in the pills in considerable amounts (over 40 percent of your daily requirement). The Michigan Journal suggests that taking too much of certain vitamins can cause problems. Excessive amounts of vitamin A and niacin, for example, can lead to liver issues, and too much vitamin C can cause stomach problems.
Speak with a professional. Let your primary physician know about your diet pills and that you want to start taking vitamins. Show him the list of vitamins found in your pills---if any---and ask him to recommend a vitamin that does not hold high amounts of the same. If your doctor is unavailable, talk to a pharmacist at your local drugstore. She will be able to tell you what vitamins may be right for you.
Follow all instructions on the package. Never exceed the recommended daily vitamin allowance. Furthermore, avoid taking your vitamins and diet pills at the same time to prevent becoming sick to your stomach. Contact your physician immediately should you experience side effects that were not present when you took just the diet pills, such as shakiness, headache, and nausea.