What Is Zantrex?
Weight loss
Zoller Laboratories, the manufacturer of Zantrex-3, claims that this ephedra-free diet pill can provide extreme weight loss and increased stamina and energy. Zantrex-3 is designed to suppress the appetite and reduce body fat. It also claims the product can metabolize fat, reducing the appearance of cellulite.
The makers of Zantrex-3 boast that you'll experience the effects of the diet pill within minutes. They also say you'll "notice a dramatic reduction in appetite the first time you use it" and that "you can expect significant, visible results within a few weeks." Zantrex-3 also claims to be "546% more effective than the best ephedra-based fat burners," requiring no diet or exercise regimen.
There is no available scientific data or evidence to support any of these claims, and the product has not been approved or evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Side Effects
There have been no adequate studies conducted on the diet pill Zantrex-3 so little is known about exact side effects of the product. Certain side effects, however, can be expected from some of the ingredients in Zantrex-3. Zantrex-3 contains a significant amount of stimulants. The caffeine in one serving of Zantrex-3 is equivalent to the amount of caffeine you'd get in more than three cups of coffee. Insomnia, restlessness, anxiety, nervousness, nausea, increase in blood pressure, frequent urination, irritability and an increase in heart rate are just some of the potential side effects of consuming the caffeine-like stimulants in Zantrex-3.
Zantrex-3 also contains niacin. Some common side effects of niacin include skin flushing, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea, breast pain, sensitivity to the sun and vertigo. Other ingredients in Zantrex-3 may cause heart arrhythmia, vaginal bleeding, difficulty breathing, abdominal pain and dark urine.
The ingredients in Zantrex-3 are niacin (a B vitamin also known as nicotinic acid), caffeine, yerba mate, damiana, guarana, schizopeta, green tea, piper nigum, Tibetan and panax ginseng, maca root, cola nut and thea sinensis complex.
Consult your physician before using this diet pill. Zantrex-3 should not be taken by people who have heart problems, diabetes, mental illness, bleeding disorders, glaucoma, hypertension, thyroid conditions or certain food allergies. Zantrex-3 is not intended for use by women who are pregnant or nursing or by people with sensitivity to stimulants.